Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Wikipedia for "F***tards"

It seems like I find out about so many Wikia sites everyday up to this point. Just recently, I've seen one on Final Fantasy and another on Anthro characters.

Today I found another: Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Or as I like to call it: so stupid and mean, it's funny. Much like X-Play, but with swearing.

F***tard seems to be a common phrase on there. That's why I have that in the title. Another is the "word" lulz.

If you're sensitive about the stuff you like, you probably shouldn't think about going there. I, on the other hand, find it funny 'cause they're just making themselves sound like know-it-all d-bags.

Here are some examples of their... "general knowledge".

- Atomic Betty can kick Danny Phantom's "butt" (<-- paraphrasing).
- The Grim Adventures of Retard and Emo Girl.
- Danny Phantom is unoriginal.
- Mindy (B&M) is (and I'm paraphrasing again) an ugly whore.

Okay, so I sorta agree with the last one, but that's what makes that one funnier. ^-^

So here's my OWN article of Encyclopedia Dramatica:

Encyclopedia Dramatica is full of whiny Wikipedia rejects in need of a life. Trust me. I know when someone needs a life (who better to know than someone who already doesn't have one?). The site is full of more controversy than a non-family-oriented Eminem song.


Let me rephrase that last part: the site is full of more controversy than a non-HAILIE-oriented Eminem song.

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